Thursday, January 7, 2010

The begining..

My 1st class will be this weekend(Sunday). From 8.30-18.15..OMG!
Sangatla pack and straight je..break for lunch about 1 hr. Memang berkampung la aku kt itm nanti..

1st class adalah Principles & practice of marketing..2nd will be Islamic Finance, then Banking operations and the last is BEL 492(Speech comm).

i-class dah start since last week..Nasib hubby dah start keje shif balik. So, when the time for nite shif it will be easier for me to study..Since hubby shif ni, Adam tidur awal..senang la skit nak concentrate..kalo dia tak tidur lagi, kena layan dia smpai tidur baru leh study. If kul 11pm pon layan la gak..and my sleeping beauty will be shorter than 8hrs..I have promised to myself for not using Adam as an excuse to focus on my study..

Semester 1st la nak score dekan and 4+++ to ensure I will survive for the next 2yrs..insyaallah..permudahkanlah segala..Amin..

1 comment:

>>EiN@>> said...

Insyaallah Yana,hg boleh score lgpn klo PJJ boleh score...n da staf kt sini every sem. dekan tau ambik pentadbiran lagi 2 semester lg dia nk abis...aa shida yg dok ngan kita kt mnjungpn continue kt sini gk...aku terjumpa dia...klo finance insyaallah ok...kebanyakkan klo amibik accounting jugak sekerat jalan,paper dia mmg killer n rmai yg xdpt abiskan n kena tendang cz repeat 3x tp failed jugak...kuatkan smgt ek..aku tgh kumpul smgt nak amik ACCA tp mcm idak je 80%...dgree pn ckup2 mknje...jauh nak berulangnyer..