Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Borak2 dengan COO..

Last week punye cite le ni..Hari Rabu kalau tak silap..yer la day before we had year end lunch and dapat good news..hehehe..

Sebagai HR Exect aku ade discussed dgn my COO (Chief Operating Officer) pasal employee handbook for 2010..discussed since last 2 weeks, but only appoved tuesday. And COO ade email aku..bunyi lebih kurang camni..

COO: Darliana,

Please check and go through once again the employee handbook. If there is a mistake, please advice.
Dont forget to print it out in A4 booklet and each employee will be provided.

ME: Noted

Lepas je dah setel aku check, belom sempat aku nak print dia dah turun kat office aku untuk amik sample booklet handbook yg dia buat. Pastu datang kt aku and dia bagi sampel employee handbook tu.

Me: Waw..so cute,hah..(sambil aku membelek handbook yg sgt cute tu)

Jamie(the COO): owh, pls refer to the handbook (dgn muka selamber dia buat lawak)

Me: Ya..I am refering to this handbook (sambil ketawa beramai2)

Ade lagi...ni mase day before christmas..kire macam dia nak balik dah la sbb christmas eve kan..

Jamie: Merry chrismas everybody! (sambil lalu depan bilik aku)
Owh, sebelum tu dia ade bagi kitaorg biskut ginger yg dibuat oleh bini dia..

Me: Have a great xmas this year,Jamie!

Jamie: sure I will..See you next week..

Me: Yup, with the present please..(aku selamber..hahaha)

Jamie: (dia terberhenti and toleh kt aku) oo..ok..which one you prefer, lion or tiger?

Me: eemm..I've got both last year..how about shark? uuu..I love fish!

Jamie: (Jamie ketawa) I try my best!

Hahahahah...best tak dpat COO camni? sempoi gila..yang pastinye, dia bawakan patung shark je..
Ishk, rindu la plak kat dia..skang dia kat South Africa selama sebulan..next month only can meet him again..he so nice tau..cam tak ceria office tader dia..huh..boring tul..

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